
4.14 update smite
4.14 update smite

4.14 update smite

This is the most effective route as you hit even single camp before going back. If you can, take the Golems after that then back. When you finish those, smite should be back up for the Red Buff. Then, use smite on the Wight and head over to the Wraiths. From there, take the Wolves while you wait for smite cooldown. Ask your top lane to ward your Red Buff if the enemy has the ability to go without blue. When on purple side, start with the blue buff. Don't try it unless you're sure you know where the enemy team is. Generally, an invade start isn't the best with Evelynn due to her lack of cc and level 1 mobility. If you're the only tank on your team, take Frozen Mallet.Īlways start with your bottom lane for the best leash. Generally, take Blade of the Ruined King. The Frozen Mallet, however, can give you a permanent slow (if you can catch up to and hit your target) and gives you a huge boost in tankiness. The 15% health active is also extremely good if the enemy has a hyper tank such as Dr. The slow has easily picked me up many kills and makes tower diving a whole lot easier.

4.14 update smite

I find the slow passive from the Blade of the Ruined King to be good as an all around tool for chasing and escaping.

4.14 update smite

The Banshee's Veil passive gives you a nice form of initiation without being stopped while the Randuin's Omen active gives you a nice way to cc the enemy team while you're in the middle of all of them. These items together give you a ton of armor, magic resist, and attack damage, all essential to a nice big hurting tank. Your core items are Spirit of the Elder Lizard, Randuin's Omen, and Banshee's Veil.

4.14 update smite