
Does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions
Does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions

does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions

Sagittal MR images of the knee: a low-signal band parallel to the posterior cruciate ligament caused by a displaced bucket-handle tear. November 2002 MRI Anatomy of the Knee and Shoulder James Y. 1993 21(2): Weiss KL, Morehouse HT, Levy IM. Bone bruises on MRI evaluation of ACL injuries. Musculoskeletal Imaging: A concise multimodality approach. (medial) ACL peroneus longus PCL MCL tendon of sartorious BIDMCĥ Anterior Cruciate Ligament Functional Anatomy Intra-articular, extra-synovial, extends from anterior tibia to to inner portion of lateral femoral condyle Limits anterior translation of tibia, hyperextension, internal rotation Mechanism of Injury External rotation and abduction w/ hyperextension, direct forward displacement of tibia, internal rotation w/ fully extended knee Can occur in conjunction w/ meniscal tears (41-68%), injury of other collateral ligaments, osteochondral or compression fractures 5Ħ MRI Criteria for ACL rupture Complete Rupture DIRECT SIGNS: -complete fiber disruption -abnormal course of cruciate ligament -intracapsular pseudomass in position of ACL INDIRECT SIGNS: -acute angulation of PCL -drawer phenomenon - kissing contusions 6ħ MRI Criteria for ACL Rupture Incomplete Rupture -thinning of ACL 40 yrs., = tear 25Ģ6 References Bohndorf K., Imhof H., Pope TL. Song, UC San Francisco MSIV Gillian Lieberman MDĢ Agenda Knee Sagittal, Coronal FSE PD Ligamentous (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL) and meniscal injury Shoulder Sagittal, Coronal T2WI Shoulder impingement classification 2ģ Anatomy: Knee Sagittal patellar articular cartilage plantaris gastroc (m) lateral meniscus (ant.horn) infrapatellar fat pad tibialis posterior P S G (l) BIDMC 2002 lateral meniscus (post.horn) tibia, articular cartilage 3Ĥ Anatomy: Knee Coronal vastus lateralis biceps femoris iliotibial tract gastroc.

does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions

1 November 2002 MRI Anatomy of the Knee and Shoulder James Y.

Does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions